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Horncastle Education Trust

A Third of QEGS A-level Grades A to A*

Staff and students at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School (QEGS) are celebrating after a third of their A-level grades were As and A*s. 

Headteacher Simon Furness said: “We are very proud of our A-level students this year. They have worked incredibly hard throughout their time in the Sixth Form and have prepared themselves fully for the next stage in their education or chosen career. 

“They are without doubt an impressive group of young people who have navigated their way through their studies with unbelievable maturity and resilience.” 

Top performing students Sarah Bishop, Tanmayi Chingale, Sushant Gupta, Matthew Hunter, Lavdhi Jain, Garima Kakkar, Isaac Keeling, Nicole Scott and Daniel Yeoman achieved A* in each of their A-level subjects.  

Also singled out for praise were Uzair Asif, Sophia Chevli, Will Coveley, Mariam Elseragy, Freya Hadley, Thrisha Hande, Melina Herreros, Anya James, Lewis Janney, Josh Lawie, Lars Telfer, Imogen Tyler and Ismail Zarif who gained an A or A* in each of their A-level subjects. 

Simon said the overwhelming majority of students have secured their preferred university place or been accepted on apprenticeship or training schemes.  

“They are fine ambassadors for QEGS and we applaud their achievements,” he said. 

“We will miss them in September as they head off for pastures new but wish them all the best in their future endeavours.” 

Our CEO, Sandra James said: “I am so very proud of our students who have overcome the challenges of recent years to achieve excellent results. I know they will go on to make a success of their careers and look forward to hearing about their adventures when they return to us and share their stories as part of our alumni.” 

Did you attend QEGS Horncastle? Become a member of QEGS Alumni and read the latest newsletter on the school’s website: