Our Governance
We have defined tiers of governance; Members, Trustees and Local Governors all have an important part to play in terms of strategic direction and scrutiny.
Trust Governance
- Mr Michael Gill - appointed 01.12.18
- Mrs Wendy Ireland (Ex-Officio) - appointed 12.12.23
- Cllr Fiona Martin - (Chairperson) appointed 01.12.18
- Mr Robert Myers - appointed 01.12.18
- Mr Timothy Peacock - appointed 01.12.18
- Mr Nabeel Bhatti (03.10.23 - 02.10.27)
- Mr Paul Brewster (05.07.22 - 04.07.26 First appt 01.12.18)
- Mrs Joanne Casey (05.07.22 - 04.07.26 First appt 01.12.18)
- Miss Georgina Day (26.03.24 - 25.03.28 First appt 21.05.20)
- Miss Wendy Ireland (Chair of Trust Board & Chair of Educational Performance Cttee) (05.07.22 - 04.07.26) First appt 01.12.18, appointed as Chair 12.12.23)
- Mrs Lucinda Jackson (12.12.23 - 11.12.27)
- Mrs Sandra James (CEO) (Appointed 14.01.22)
- Mrs Katherine Marshall (Chair of Audit Cttee) (25.01.22 - 14.01.26)
- Rev Canon Charles Patrick (19.09.23 - 18.09.27)
- Mrs Catherine Rollings (16.12.20 - 15.12.24)
- Mr Christopher Waters (Chair of Finance Cttee) (05.07.22 - 04.07.26 First appt 01.12.18)
None of our Trustees are currently co-opted.
Retired Trustees & Members (within the past year)
You can contact us via: [email protected]
The Scheme of Delegation is the touchstone of governance within our Trust.
To ensure that roles and responsibilities are clear, we have set out the key aspects of governance and identified where action, consultation or decision making rests.
We also have a number of committees to support the Trust Board:
- Finance
- Audit
- Educational Performance
In addition, we consider our Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) a vital part of governance within the Trust. All of our schools have a LGB and they act in the form of committees of the Trust Board, as set out within the Governance Handbook.
View the Scheme of Delegation for a snapshot of roles and responsibilities.
View the full Governance Framework for details.